On behalf of the ............ Family, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to your wonderful organization for always being there for us throughout our difficult journey. Although the outcome was not as we had hoped and davened for, we will forever be thankful for the wonderful people who were with us to shoulder part of the burden during this difficult time. Your organization stands out as an exemplary pillar of Chesed that only one going through something like this can understand. The added burden and cost of transportation can be crushing at times like these and what your organization provides, and how your organization provides it, with such dignity and respect, is truly amazing! May Hashem give you the strength and ability to continue with this great work and may he repay you tenfold for your wonderful acts of kindness.
Forever thankful,
By the time we finally raised the thousands of dollars needed to get our son into the right clinic in Arizona, we were completely tapped out financially and totally exhausted. But we still needed tickets! Miles for Life took care of everything! My son is now in the clinic, and slowly recovering.
When you donate mileage you are donating life.